CEPS brings together several key sectors (politics, industries, diplomacy, academia research, humanitarian forums, consultancies, etc…), and contributes to public debates through its publications (books, reports, surveys and magazines) as well as the discussion and reflection it leads through its 27 clubs, each dedicated to specific key strategic issues (energy, defence, aerospace, finance, digital transformation, etc.). 
With ten delegates around world, CEPS is officially recognized as an international NGO by several international organizations:
– The European Commission, as an Interest Representative,
– The Council of Europe, as a member of the NGO’S Conference,
– The OECD, as a partner of the Development Centre,
– UNESCO, as a « NGO with operational relationship ».

An international & independant think tank

CEPS is an entirely independent organization. It is privately financed and receives no public subsidies, nor access to public staff or premises from the government. Its financing stems principally from corporations and financial institutions involved in the clubs, forums and publications, and also from the studies and the advisory services it provides to both public and private organizations, national and international. 
The CEPS publications have a clear function: they are designed as decision-making tools. The aim of some of them is to lay the foundations for public debate:
  • Feedback notes, distributed to a small circle, condense the ideas and theories developed in the context of CEPS’s clubs.
  • A quarterly review designed for a decision-making readership
  • Reports and industry-specific studies offering a deeper investigation into the new challenges indentified by CEPS, bringing to light strategic issues and challenges.


An INGO working in partnership with international organisations

The CEPS is officially recognised as a partner by major international organisations
– The European Commission, as an Interest Representative, 
– The Council of Europe, as an INGO with participative status,
– The OECD, where it is a partner within the Development Centre,
– UNESCO, in the capacity of an “NGO in operational relations”.
This official recognition makes the CEPS a very specific organisation; it is the only European think tank to enjoy such status.


Transparent gouvernance

CEPS has a Board of directors and an executive committee. By means of these structures, it has established transparent financial governance that is also supported and guaranteed by:
– An accountant who is also a member of the board of directors;
– A treasurer, a vice treasurer, members of the executive committee;
– An independent chartered accountant.
The executive committee has established a development commission as well as a commission for accounts and governance. In order to attain complete transparency, while it is not a legal or statutory obligation, CEPS has decided to augment these measures with the nomination of an external auditor. 
CEPS relies upon diverse sources of funding:
  • Membership fees;
  • Partnerships created via its clubs and seminars;
  • Revenue from its publications.

All members of the CEPS are co-opted.


Our Clubs

CEPS Clubs are founded on a respected methodology and sense of conviviality.
The function of the clubs is to bring together, in a small group, individuals selected according to their expertise in the targeted sectors, be they from France or from further afield. Conceived as true ’brainstorming sessions’, these regular meetings provide an opportunity for a number of experts and decision-makers to share their experiences and discuss a series of topics in depth. The work carried out within these clubs is the subject of a publication which is selectively distributed.
The uniqueness of this process lies in our desire to bring together, without preconceptions, in a friendly setting, a number of individuals (25 to 35) in a real club atmosphere: a meeting place which is entirely dedicated to reflection, without being limited to ready-made opinion, free from preconceived ideas, on a specific and topical issue. 
This format and method enable our high-level members and guests to tackle and analyze the subjects which are of particular concern to them, to exchange their analysis and their best practices.

It is vital for all economic and financial players to be one-step ahead, to perceive what the trends will be in the months and years to come. In today’s turbulent and apparently unpredictable world, there is a continuing need for maximum value creation, and for a better understanding of issues  whether they be tangential to the economy (the evolution of commercial, economic and  financial  sector  parameters,  business  intelligence…) or  specific  (the  euro, investment funds, lobbying, PPP…)
We aim, through the debates of Eclairage Club, to offer our members some of the keys that will help them better understand the full context in which they will be taking decisions – decisions on which the success or failure of their strategies may depend. With this club we seek to help fill a gap, by offering members a new forum in which “London’s voice” on issues of importance to Europe – a voice which is perhaps not fully taken into account outside the UK – can make itself heard.
The objective is not simply to state the facts, but rather to offer proposals with which to develop new parameters, following a confident, clear logic. At the end of each session, a report will be issued highlighting key themes tackled over the course of the debate.
Through dialectical analysis of current issues, the Club will point usefully and creatively towards some of the major coming trends.
This process reflects a strong commitment of bringing together in a convivial setting a group of individuals in a truly club environment for an open dinner-debate: a meeting entirely dedicated to reflection upon relevant issues, without being limited to ready-made opinion, free from preconceived ideas, on a specific and topical issue. 



For any inquiry regarding any of our clubs and/or activities, please contact  helene.pichon@ceps-oing.org 
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